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Really felt a lot of negative vibes for awhile not sure if there are items or negative problems that need to be removed . Even if your brother was a Christian because, as the Bible tells us, although a true Christian believer cannot be possessed they can still have a demon or demons. To get help and guidance for our individual trials, we can get help by reading and studying the Bible through Bible studies, and from God in prayer in the name of Jesus. It is possible that the problems you have may not be fully resolved if your daughter left your home so that if she leaves, you may still not be able to achieve the result of peace you wanted. It does sound like some sort of demonic infestation as the demonic can and does inhabit certain places.

Yes, the spiritual world is just as real as the physical world. This does not mean we have to be fearful or try to fight these battles alone. I say the Morning & Combo Prayers everyday.
Prayer for Cleansing from Bad Addictions.
That may be where a lot of the energy resides. You can burn sage to clean out energy at your home or office. This holistic method has become quite popular in the past years. And you can easily find sage in metaphysical shops or online.

I pray this prayer every time I have to do Warfare. Plus I have to pray over the house after my children come home from far away places. I never know what material things they may have brought into the house and what unclean spirits they may have picked up. As well as prayers, there are some simple affirmations or Matras that you can repeat to yourself, either in your mind or out loud. These allow you to focus your own energy on the task at hand, while also guiding the energy of your house in a more positive direction. Typically, Cerrano adds, the mantra will be paired with a “sacred hand gesture,” such as prayer position.
Call out the Angels, They Will Help you with your house cleansing prayer
Without the Holy Spirit, we can’t grow spiritually or live with God. You could choose to use the prayer in conjunction with White Sage, Palo Santo, or any other cleansing incense or tool you like. Sound healing is also a beautiful, powerful way to cleanse your space and raise its vibration. When selling a house, you’re not just closing a chapter in your life. You are also helping another person start a new chapter in their life, and this prayer allows you to do both things.

When the spirit shows himself to me it is very scarey. He will talk in a language i cant understand. I have prayed but he still comes thru my boyfriend. When you’re done with one room, leave the either the door or window open to allow the negative energy to escape.
Get A FREE Angel Message Now And Tap Into The Healing Power Of Angels!
Some people will burn sage when they first enter a new home. As you move around the space and repeat your mantra out loud, direct the smoke toward the open door or window. Slowly walk around your house or your office holding the bowl and the sage in it. After you decide on what your intention will be, summarize it as a mantra or a prayer to say repeatedly while smudging. Despite this, it is extremely important to be strategic with smudging and to focus on the areas of your home or working place where you interact with people the most.
Please enter into this present point in time, enter into my home, filling my home with the highest vibration of love, light, and divine frequency. Once all rooms have been cleansed, close doors and windows and say a prayer of gratitude for your home. Light your sage bundle and waft it around the room while visualizing all negative energy being neutralized. Another big problem with using white sage is that white sage is an endangered species. Because there are a lot of non-Native American Witches that are using white sage for their rituals, it means that the native population can not perform their rituals. I call in the person or family that is in perfect alignment to tend to this space as I did.
How Do I Do An Energy Cleanse With Sage?
Next, you should light up the sage with your match or candle and hold it at a 45-degree angle. Let the sage burn for approximately 30 seconds. For the process to be successful you’ll need a bowl for burning the sage.
Thank you, Angels, for filling my entire home with light. Flow light into every corner, crevice, and cabinet. Take your bundle and walk around the perimeter of each room, wafting the smoke throughout the air. Typically, you want to go counter-clockwise because this is how energy flows. Treat the ritual of burning sage with the respect it deserves. And be sure that you are buying sage from an ethical source.
Especially search clothes and jewellery boxes, and look for hidden symbols such as 666, fleur-de-lys, or paisley often found on decorative items. It may make little or no difference whether someone knew an object or symbol was cursed, or whether someone knew they had something cursed in the home or not, the effect could be the same. Although the effect is likely to be somewhat worse if someone wilfully decided to hold on to something knowing it was cursed. There is so much that can easily be done, such as read the KJV Bible every day, and/or play an audio Bible. Say the Lord’s Prayer every day (“Deliver us from evil”) and there are some great hymns on Youtube which can be found by searching for “Christian hymns”. These types of things can be played on a low volume 24/7 even when you are not in the house.
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With your Holy Spirit, bless our home Holy God, may it be a light to those who wander, help to protect those seeking protection, and be a prayer house that continually seeks Your grace. May Your divine Spirit never depart from this house, now and always. We are in constant need of your mercy and blessings.
Especially, if you work with different people all the time. You are always interacting with various persons and you don’t know their vibrations. I will cover a few different scenarios with different prayers you can use for your own smudging ritual.
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